Crisis Management Agreements with Yourself

Remaining calm when everyone else is losing it around you.

Crisis Management Agreements with Yourself

Remaining calm when everyone else is losing it around you.

Remaining calm when everyone else is losing it around you.

When things go as they do, having a set of agreements with yourself is powerful. These agreements are your guiding principles as to how you engage with life.

Values can often mean nothing when the chips are down, and it is time to step up and take the lead in a difficult situation.

Personal agreements can act as boundaries but also as guideposts to assist in creating a different reality from the one you find yourself in. It, of course, begins in your mind.  

These agreements can also assist you with identity shifting, which will be necessary when committing to a new life path.

Let’s look at some practical agreements you can have with yourself.

 Agreement 1: I Am a Problem Solver

In the face of challenges: "I commit to viewing challenges as opportunities to showcase my problem-solving skills. I am a resourceful and creative thinker, capable of finding innovative solutions."


Agreement 2: I Communicate Effectively

During times of uncertainty: "I pledge to communicate transparently and effectively. Clarity in communication is the cornerstone of resolving issues and maintaining trust within my professional relationships."


Agreement 3: I Seek Guidance When Needed

In moments of complexity: "I recognise that seeking guidance is a sign of strength, not weakness. When faced with intricate problems, I will seek support and collaborate with colleagues to find optimal solutions."


Agreement 4: I Learn from Setbacks

A commitment to growth: "Setbacks are not setbacks but stepping stones to growth. I commit to extracting valuable lessons from every challenge, using them to evolve and enhance my professional capabilities."


Agreement 5: I Prioritise Self-Care

In times of high stress: "I understand the importance of self-care during challenging periods. I commit to prioritising my well-being, ensuring I am mentally and physically equipped to navigate professional crises."


Agreement 6: I Embrace Adaptability

A mindset shift: "I embrace change and adaptability. Recognising that the professional landscape is dynamic, I commit to approaching challenges flexibly, adjusting my strategies as needed."


Agreement 7: I Maintain Professional Boundaries

Amid conflict: "I acknowledge the significance of professional boundaries. I commit to addressing issues professionally during conflicts, separating personal emotions from work-related challenges."


Agreement 8: I Take Constructive Action

A call to proactive response: "I am a proactive problem-solver. When faced with a crisis, I commit to taking constructive action, focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on the problem."


Agreement 9: I Foster a Positive Work Environment

A commitment to leadership: "I understand the impact of my attitude on the work environment. I commit to fostering positivity in challenging times, inspiring my team to navigate difficulties with resilience and optimism."


Agreement 10: I Am Resilient in the Face of Uncertainty

Affirming resilience: "I affirm my resilience in the face of uncertainty. I can overcome professional challenges, adapt to change, and emerge stronger on the other side."

 Personalise these agreements based on your specific professional context. By internalising these commitments, you can approach crises with a proactive and empowered mindset, leading to practical problem-solving and growth in your professional journey.