Being A Giant

You were born with a giant something

Being Giant

Where is your giant?

You were born with a giant something.

You have a talent, a gift, a method of something that only you can do - but you were told, talent is only for hobbies and weekends, you can't make a living from it.

Something that comes so naturally to you that doing is easy - but you were told you must “toil” The Good Book says so. You saw what happened to Adam and Eve, they got “clever” and had to leave Eden. Sweat of the brow labour is your destiny.

It lights you up - but you were told life is supposed to be hard.

When you do it- doing it is effortless - but again easy is bad.

People are touched when you do that - but, this touching business is not real. There are no double blind tested, documented research papers on it, it can't be measured so it is not real.

When you practise your art people come to see it - but, you are not that good, you don't have the papers and quite frankly you are the weird one of the family, the black sheep.

And they pay good money for the privilege - but- maybe for the stars, you are not one. They will laugh at you.

Time stops - but you are a dreamer, get real

When you speak of “strange things” you are just being woo, get real.

Nobody in your family will take you seriously anyway - stop embarrassing yourself.

You are a lay person - you don't have the papers

You can't make a living from making music, doing art, talking about deep things, helping people create, teaching, healing, taking pictures, bringing joy into people's lives, and helping people with problems they can't solve by themselves.


Get with the program

Sober up

Get a job that pays well

Life is hard - get used to it

You will starve

Get something to fall back on

Your friends will all be weird people and your family will shun you.



The term even scares you a little, or a lot.

You got the job,

Studying the thing your parents got you to study.

That is all they would pay for, nothing else.

You did the work

And you hated it….

Everything suffered

Your life sucked.

You lived in quiet desperation.

Drowning your dream

Forgetting your creativity.

Life became suffering

Thank goodness for distractions.

But the closet life is dark

It smells in there

Smells of failure, desperation, frustration, loneliness (in a crowd of people you can't stand)

When did you last pick up your guitar?

Remember the bliss, and the blisters after?

Then you got real again.

Back to the grindstone.



You opened the door just a crack and light flooded your world.

You read a book about you, written by a guys forever girlfriend.

Or you were locked down all by yourself and your closet disintegrated because it was time .

The GIANT in you awakened.

You fell into the arms of a whole crowd of Light Workers all shining brightly because that is who they are.

You realised you were not the only weird person here.

You were among friends - all of them beautifully and perfectly weird in their own special way.

You stepped into a crowd of GIANTS and

You realised you are one already.

That is the way to BE.

All these people are spiritual beings learning how to be a human being.

You came home.

You picked up your instrument, got over the stiff fingers and played. Your kids are astounded at how good mom or dad is. You hear, teach me, teach me.

Your DNA sings.

The paint brush, paints the pictures itself. People pay you good money for your works of art. They want more of you.

Your DNA rejoices and you can hear an angelic chorus in place of the tinnitus.

The words you speak and write changes people's lives.

When you sing people stop and stare, in amazement.

When you speak to a parent their relationship with their child changes, the joy is full.

There is a new feeling, something you're unfamiliar with.

They call it LOVE.

And they tell you you must love yourself first.

Audacious idea, I know.

But real.

So what is your next move?

Turn around and sleep some more?

That closet is open. Look and see, it is all good.

The light is calling you forward.

You can close it again.

It's up to you.


So what is next for you?

ASK and you will receive

Give yourself to the light that is in you and you will receive a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, and your joy will be complete.