Being Judgemental

Being Judgemental

There has been a lot of discussion about being judgemental.

Here is something about my understanding which might help bring clarity.

1. Judgement is a part of the programming from the day we are born. First, we learn about them and us. Who to identify as “people like us” and “those people”? Then, we learn to fear those people and take a righteous stance toward them. They are wrong, and we are right.

Here is the thing. The proclivity to judge is an automatic response to programming. The brain shows activity BEFORE we have a judgemental thought. That must then be where the word Prejudice comes from. We Pre-judge automatically.

As long as you have a brain, you will judge.

2. Turning to consciousness (beingness). Our being, thinking and doing are expressions of consciousness. So, when people express anger, pride or love, willingness and peace, they express consciousness from that quantum field, swimming in that mindstream.

So in the field of anger, we will find every thought form and information flow of the mindstream belonging to this state of anger.

It has been accumulating there since forever.

When we plug into the field we engage with angry thoughts, it opens up the floodgates for these thoughts, feelings and emotions to inundate our system; if we are not aware. We can choose to swim in this mindstream or not.

Ever wondered where spam thoughts come from? There is an open window to that thought field or an open faucet somewhere from the past. They also bring friends and crash your party. The open windows are unresolved issues. Sudden outbursts can scare us, and now we know where they come from. Those; "where did that come from" moments.

What does this have to do with being judgemental?

When we see someone expressing emotions or going off at us for whatever reason, they are expressing that consciousness.

Realising this, we are in a better position not to want to judge that person but to understand what scripture says.

Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing.

So then judging someone becomes pointless and compassion possible.

Maybe some guidance in there.

What to do about this?

Capture every thought to the obedience of Christ;*

Many blessings.

Being teacher today

*Lamsa, George M. Holy Bible: From the Ancient Eastern Text (p. 1155). HarperOne.