Being Love

Being Love

When two people being Love make a heart connection an energy vortex is born that transforms their world.

The creative power unleashed in this union of shared minds is exponential and nuclear in nature.

A fearless knowing shows up in the three components of relationships.

Trust in the presence.

Respect for their uniqueness and contribution.

Life-enhancing communication.

They overcome any challenge with power, and grace.

Paradoxically the union also leads to more freedom because the two are safe, secure and certain.

then Love shows up in these forms:

It is not something to work on

It is the witness of the presence of love.

It is who we become.

Love is patient

Love is kind.

It does not envy

It does not boast,

It is not proud.

It does not dishonour others,

It is not self-seeking,

It is not easily angered,

It keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil

but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects,

always trusts,

always hopes,

always perseveres.

Love never fails.

This challenges our understanding because the mind is programmed to be

Self-seeking masquerading as independence

Self-obsession masquerading as self-love.

Self-worship masquerading as "my truth"

In the matrix mind fear, greed and a programmed personal story is the fuel that turns relationships into battlegrounds and ego into gods.

It destroys Relationships



So, what is the answer?

Seek and commit to be Love and Love will answer and show itself through you.

This is where possibilities are endless.