Why Mo Couldn't Go

A new life needs a new person to live it.

Why Mo Couldn't Go.

Why Mo Couldn’t Go

Once upon a time, on a hill

Mo was surveying the landscape on the other side of the river.

From there, it was magnificent.

It took a long time to get there

Years of wandering in the wilderness

Trying to figure out how to be free

Mo took them all the way to the river


Mo couldn't go there.

G told him so.

He tried again, but then he heard.

"We are not going to talk about this again".

Let's get metaphysically mystical.

It is a story about you.

All of it is.

Why couldn't Mo go to that land?

Mo is the old you.

The you that escaped from the old land.

Where fear and greed are the currency.

Where you are told you aren't good enough

Clever enough

Powerful enough

The land of the victim.

That land on the other side of the river is taken by the courageous, by the creators,

The land where you can become who you were made to be.

A pleasant Fragrance (Jericho)

You have to cross the river,

It will stop for you to pass in the Presence.

But for that to happen,

Mo has to go

The old version has to disappear.

No one knows where they put him.

The question is simple.

Will you let go

Of your Mo?