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Loving Yourself


This idea bugged me

I couldn't understand what they meant by it.


How do you love yourself if you don't even like yourself or what you are becoming?


When you are being perfectly honest - in the quiet.


Time passed


Questions asked


Answers came slowly at first


As I was ready for the truth, the floodgates opened.


Standing back and overserving the spectacle of humanity


The stage


The Game


Seeking truth


The answer:


Loving yourself requires that you BE yourself


Not the fake self-obsessed goddess/god personality dressing

up like Zena with her plastic crown and sycophantic worshippers calling each other goddess until one of them steps out of line (become herself fully); then the knives come out.


Or Thor, with his chrome-plated plastic hammer using his obnoxious presence to dominate. Then he goes home and gets pissed out of his mind to keep the demons anaesthetised.


Although the world applauds and rewards, this is not the self-professed love of self.


This is self-obsession with everything you can count and see, but there is no heart in it, which I gathered you need to be love.

(It is tiring just writing this)

So what is it?


This loving of yourself and others?


Then it became clear with one sentence



Without the need to be anything other than who you are.


Accepting yourself


All of you


You are grumpy

You are full of shit at times

You are the big, calm one

Your face has lines

You judge

Yes, read that again

You get angry

You fart

You are HUMAN

You wear your heart on your sleeve in a good way and sometimes not.




There is no screen

No pretence

No false facade of perfection

No publicly approved avatar




You do not try to impress, please or appease

You do not say yes when you mean no

You can speak up even if your throat goes into a spasm.


You also love what life brings you

You give without requiring getting

You count your increasing blessings

Even the hard things are blessings, albeit disguised at present in the cloak of obstacle and struggle.

This is the domain of the divine feminine and the divine masculine.


You feel their presence when they enter a room before you see them.


They speak with heart

They communicate love without a word

They shine

They sparkle with enthusiasm infecting you

You can't help but love being around these people.

Hearts connect

You remember them

They are you.

So, in the end, there is only you.

Be that you.

Love that because it is real.

Warning label: This will be too much for some people, but they are not your people if it is. Ref- Zena/Thor