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Uhtred son of Uhtred

For those to whom this is familiar, there is no explanation needed.

For the others, it is a series on Netflix - The Last Kingdom

I woke up with the rhyme continuing in my thoughts.

It morphed into this:

I AM Creator, son of Creator.

At the same time

I am Adriann, son of earthly Gerhardus and Hermiena

We live in a castle by the sea of possibility

I AM timeless, limitless and forever.

I AM have run the show since a few years ago

Adriann didn’t understand that quite well.

But I AM took adriann under my wing

He was a refugee from Narcatraz and needed love and care

Time to heal

Time to be protected

Time to come alive again.

Some teachers told us that we must “kill the ego.”

Ego responded with two words

The second word was …off.

If you try to kill me, so will you die.

The war was fierce, and the nights were dark.

Many battles ended in an asphyxiating silence but not peace.

I AM was waiting patiently

Constantly aware, always there

Gently guiding towards the Light.

Constantly removing the muck and the smut from the mirror

So that he could see himself

Gently stirring the pot to churn the dregs

Quenching his thirst for truth with the teachings of great masters, both ancient and new.


Progressively bringing more understanding, more insight, more Light.

He began to experience the words of the Course in Miracles as reality.

In the teaching comes the healing

In the helping comes the help.

He became OK with not being OK. OK with not having some of the life of stuff (for now).

OK, with being hectic and depressed knowing – this too shall pass.

Finding joy in the substance of life from which flows the life of things; pressed down, shaken together and running over.

His little room became a castle, and his bread and jam a banquet.

He was learning to flow again into his place of peace from which anything is possible.

Forgiving – himself and others

Loving everybody and having no complaints.

Accepting life as it is while not letting the crap move in permanently.

Progressively firing the shitty committee that occupied his headspace rent-free and freaking loud. Stomping on the floorboards in the middle of the night.

I AM helped him stop trying to make sense of it all and recreate what was.

Helped him to cry like a big boy.

Embarking instead on a new journey of rediscovery, uncovering that greatness he covered in axle grease, smothering his confidence, resolve, and power.

We were creating a new life from what seemed like nothing.

But it wasn’t nothing.

It was Everything; he didn’t see it that way then.

The evolution became a creative revolution. A Quantum Switch of lights going on all over the place.

Even though he has been a student on consciousness for years an added dimension opened up. Magicland, Creatorland. Possibility land

Then the journey from Smalls to Giants opened up his heart to receive truth again. The truth of who he has always been.

He is no longer a reflection in the mirror dimly.

He IS the Mirror.

I AM Creator Son of Creator

At the same time.

I am Adriann son of the family Gerhardus and Hermien