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  • The One Event That Will Help You Quantum Switch and Rise Each Day as an Embodiment of Your Authentic Self

The One Event That Will Help You Quantum Switch and Rise Each Day as an Embodiment of Your Authentic Self

Transformation begins with a switch—a transcendence of who you were before. Then, the work begins to grow into a new identity.

If you are one of those transformation junkies who has been "doing the work" but always returns to the previous page of your life, this is for you.

Transformation does not happen before the switch happens. This is when the lights go on, your identity shifts, and you become aware that "something has happened" that you cannot accurately explain.

Your vital life force has come to the surface. It is not something you do; it happens through you. This is when you begin growing into and occupying a new identity.

You are not paddling in the existential mud, floundering your way from workshop to workshop, book to book.

Indeed, the old has passed away, and everything is new.

Does it work?

Hopeless cases create a new life in less time than they thought possible. I have evidence that this works.

Imagine the hopeless alcoholic completely transforming in a year. An abused narcissistic victim begins a new life in three months. A young woman who suffered through life created a new life in a few months. A young, dynamic protege realizes her exceptional ability and creates a life that will bring her international recognition.

These are a few of the stories of the rapid transformation of being.

How does this work?

Let's revisit the story of Moses. This is the story of all of us, not just one man. That is the way it is meant to be understood.

Moses (the old person) couldn't enter the promised land (a new life). He represents the old person. He could see and dream about it but couldn't go in.

That was up to Joshua. The new person That is a story we can develop later.

So, what happened to Moses? Well, you might know the story. He didn't make it.

The principle is this:

The old person will not enter; the new one will.

You must wake up first, and then the new person will enter and "occupy the new life."

Let's draw an analogy to a mountain.

The old way is to climb the mountain, hoping to get to the top. You meet obstacle after obstacle, and most people give up somewhere within the first few days, weeks, or months.

Then, they slide back down to their mud pit. You do this time after time, and someone makes a ton of money off you with a promise and a story of being the best you can be.

Of course, there is always a welcoming committee of those who told you not to try such a foolish thing. The guilt squad is always ready for your return to heap shame on you. This often guarantees you will not try to do such a silly thing again. "You were made like this, and that is that. This is your life."

The other option is to go to the top of the mountain first. Then, from there, you can see where you want to go. This is a session where you visit the top of the mountain.

This is where you wake up and experience transcendence.

From that space, you can see the valley that is your life, and you get to engage where the work needs to be done strategically and with full engagement because your vital life force flows like a vortex.

The work that comes after is sometimes complicated; let's not pretend. However, you are building a new life, not fighting the old one.

It is unsurprising to find people moving to other places; old dysfunctional relationships end, and new ones miraculously appear.

I often hear statements like, I don't remember the old life. It is like something from another lifetime.

Well, it is from another lifetime.

When will you be ready to move? You will know it "in your bones." Life will become so uncomfortable that you get up and do it.