The Panic Sheet

Resetting your nervous system and redirecting your mind

The Panic Sheet

When you experience a situation beyond your control (unless it is), the panic sheet can assist you in calming your nervous system and re-engaging with more power. Things are often not as out of control as you might think; it requires a different approach.

First things first

Priority number one: When experiencing panic and anxiety, you can reset your nervous system quickly. Engage your biology (nervous system) before engaging your consciousness. It won't make sense if you just read the sheet while upset.

1. Splash your face with cold water. It will reset your nervous system quickly.

2. Perform the sigh. Take a deep breath, and then take another quick breath. Blow out slowly. Repeat.


When you have calmed down your nervous system, engage your mind in creating a different reality by speaking your declarations and feeling the words as you say them.

Rediscovering Your Creator Identity


Declaration 1: I am a Conscious Creator

Remind yourself: "In moments of chaos, I am not a victim; I am a conscious creator of my reality. My power lies in shaping my responses, not merely reacting to external stimuli."


Declaration 2: I Choose Empowerment Over Reactivity

In times of heated arguments: "When emotions run high, I choose empowerment over-reactivity. I am in control of my responses, steering away from unnecessary conflict and fostering understanding."


Declaration 3: My Identity Transcends Challenges

As someone falling apart: "In the face of adversity, I remember that my identity transcends challenges. I am resilient, capable of finding strength amid chaos, and emerging stronger on the other side."


Declaration 4: I Embrace Spontaneity with Intention

But not at the expense of rationality: "While I embrace spontaneity, I do so with intention. In the heat of the moment, I can trust my instincts while staying aligned with my values and purpose."


Declaration 5: My Frontal Lobes Guide My Actions

When the amygdala takes charge: "Even in the storm of emotions, I trust that my frontal lobes guide my actions. I remain connected to reason, making decisions that align with my higher self."


Declaration 6: I Am Grounded in Self-Compassion

A reminder during internal turmoil: "In moments of self-doubt, I ground myself in self-compassion. I acknowledge my imperfections, recognising that growth arises from embracing my humanity."


Declaration 7: I Create Space for Understanding

Amid conflict: "When faced with differing perspectives, I create space for understanding. I listen actively, seeking common ground and fostering connections even in challenging moments."


Declaration 8: My Reality Reflects My Inner Power

A powerful affirmation: "I affirm that my external reality reflects my inner power. I am not a victim of circumstances but a creator shaping a reality aligned with my authentic self."


Declaration 9: I Navigate Challenges with Grace

When chaos surrounds me: "In the chaos, I navigate challenges with grace. Each obstacle is an opportunity for growth, and I trust in my ability to transform adversity into triumph."


Declaration 10: I Am Guided by Purpose

An anchor in turbulent times: "My purpose is my North Star. It guides me through storms, reminding me that every step I take contributes to creating a life aligned with my deepest intentions."


Declaration 11: I Am a Beacon of Positivity

In the presence of negativity: "When negativity surrounds me, I become a beacon of positivity. I choose to radiate light, uplifting myself and those around me, transcending the darkness."


Declaration 12: I Respond; I Don't React

A mantra for composure: "In the heat of the moment, I respond thoughtfully; I don't react impulsively. This intentional approach allows me to maintain my composure and make decisions aligned with my values."


Declaration 13: I Am Resilient in the Face of Setbacks

Affirming resilience: "Setbacks do not define me; my resilience does. I bounce back from challenges, learning and growing with each experience, knowing that setbacks are stepping stones to success."


Declaration 14: I Trust the Unfolding of My Journey

In moments of uncertainty: "Even when the path ahead is unclear, I trust the unfolding of my journey. Each twist and turn is a part of my unique story, leading me towards my highest purpose."


Declaration 15: I Am the Architect of My Destiny

A reminder of agency: "I am not a passenger; I am the architect of my destiny. Every choice I make shapes the blueprint of my life, and I am empowered to craft a masterpiece."


Declaration 16: I Cultivate Gratitude in Every Situation

A mindset shift: "In adversity, I cultivate gratitude. I find blessings even in challenges, recognizing that each moment, whether pleasant or challenging, contributes to my growth."


Declaration 17: I Channel Compassion in Conflict

An approach to disagreements: "During conflicts, I channel compassion. I understand that there is shared humanity beneath differences, and I navigate disagreements with empathy and understanding."


Declaration 18: I Release What No Longer Serves Me

A practice of letting go: "In moments of stagnation, I release what no longer serves me. I embrace change, understanding that shedding old patterns creates space for new opportunities."


Declaration 19: I Am Grounded in the Present Moment

A call to mindfulness: "Amidst the chaos, I anchor myself in the present moment. I let go of worries about the future or past, finding serenity in the now, where my true power resides."


Declaration 20: I Am a Magnet for Positive Energy

Affirming vibrational alignment: "I attract positive energy. My thoughts and actions resonate with positivity, creating a magnetic force that draws favorable circumstances into my life."


It would be best if you personalised your panic sheets.

 Infuse them with declarations that resonate with your unique journey as creators of your reality.

In times of crisis, may these declarations serve as beacons of strength, guiding them back to their true selves.

You can recite these declarations regularly, internalizing them as affirmations that shape your responses in times of crisis.

May these words serve as a powerful compass, guiding you back to your essence as creators of your reality.