Why People Need Encouragement More Than Advice

The role of courage in the process of creating our lives



People need encouragement more than advice.

The question was seeking answer. WHY?


 As a possibility, please consider:


The role of courage in the process of creating our live is crucial.

From courage comes the Will to Be and to do.


Courage is the dividing line on the Map of consciousness.


This is where the Quantum Switch happens from living in the states

of fear, greed, and indoctrination to living in the awareness of Peace, Joy and ultimately Love. 


Encouragement is the process of building courage.


Think of courage as a buffer between fear and love.


The more we encourage and are encouraged the stronger the buffer grows and the bigger the hits we can take from life. We all have them.


Why do we both benefit? When we encourage others, we also receive of the same consciousness of courage and Vitality increases making one unstoppable.


Think of it as a vitality battery. Vitaliy is life energy. Fear is life diminishing (L-) and Love is Life enhancing (L+)


The more encouragement, the more Life + energy we receive the more Vitality and power. The more Vitality, the stronger the Will. The stronger the Will or Desire to Be, the deeper the Beingness and the more consciousness shows up as Power.


The more we are discouraged, the more vitality drains away, thus the courage. Discouragement ends in shame and apathy. This

is the basement of Narcatraz. Not a good place to be.


Power (Love) is creative. Force (fear) is destructive.


What encourages people? (Shortlist)

1. Acknowledgement

2. Seeing people – being present with them totally.

3. Making them feel safe and loved in your Presence.

4. Acceptance – that they are expressing their level of consciousness. (Not their bad behaviour but understanding what it is you are seeing. This also diminishes the propensity to judge)

5. Willingness – to step into their world and understand them even though they might be living a life diminishing story at that time. Of course, this will be transcended.

6. Neutrality – No Judgement or Advice “from on high”, as they will perceive it. (a different subject by itself)

7. Loving them as they are now.

8. Support where you uncover a survival need.


What discourages people? (Among others)


1. Judgement

2. Being ignored or ghosted

3. Constant criticism (slashes and gashes)

4. Narc attacks over time

5. Depression – not living to their potential.

6. Living by expectation rather than agreement.

7. Being Narcisised – having your identity annexed.

8. Major Failure or Lifequakes.

9. Compound Failures – the ship ran aground but totally

10. Toxic Environment without which leads to the same within

11. Papercuts. More precisely existential papercuts. See next.


Papercuts. We all get them, they hurt like crazy, but they heal quite quickly. It is when the same papercut (discouragement) is administered over time Vitality begins to leak out of that wound. When people reach a state of Zero Vitality (Switching back to living in fear) life gets hard. This would then show up as an existential crisis. Trouble, serious intervention required.


Do not underestimate the power of encouragement. You might not know how much people need this, all of us. 


It is great to sit with you at this table. Love is all there is, being that,

doing that, expanding the consciousness. 

Many blessings.

