Pondering self love

Pondering self love.

Loving my Self.

Allowing my Self to love myself.

What am I doing to and for myself to show me that I love me?

Is it adding life to life or diminishing the experience for which I was placed here?

Am I connecting with the states of life-enhancing consciousness or am I just letting whatever happens happen and then struggle to repair the damage afterward? Being self-bashing in the process.

Am I missing the mark of Bieng the light for which I have been called?

Where am I not loving the Selves around me encouraging the Selves to truly and fully see themselves as the divine expressions of the light that is the essence within them.

Where am I not polishing the mirror so that people can see themselves in their reflections of my mirror?

We are all reflectors of divine grace. How clean is that mirror?

Where am I shining the light of my being small in their eyes instead of the light of Being on their path ? Am I shinning the light so that they can see me or see themselves in the way that I am being?

Am I seeing them or just looking at them to see something for me in them?

Am I extending the love to them that is flowing through me?

What does that look like?

Does my mirror reflect truth or do they see themselves dimly in a mirror of judgement and need of approval?

In the end we are vessels of God's grace and reflectors of divine intent or not. Its our choice and commitment.

What am I committed to? To polish my mirror and cleanse the vessel to be the purest vessel and mirror I was called to be.

Pass the polish.