Ships Need Pilots

The Journey to a new life is not for the faint hearted

Ships Need Pilots.

Imagine with me you are the Good Ship Tom or Sandy or whatever your mother calls you.

You have been out of the ocean of life for some time.

Sometimes the journey has been plain sailing but not always, especially during the last few years.

Storms on the high seas have left you battered and bruised.

You have had a few collisions.

There is always the threat of pirates,

You’ve had a few incursions,

and ran aground a few times.

You’ve dragged your anchor a few times in the storms, but you mostly avoided the rocks.

Below the waterline, barnacles have chosen you as their host.

It’s a mess down there.

The propeller is chunky from running over underwater obstacles you didn’t see.

The tanks are empty, and you are running on fumes.

You are listing a bit to the port side, taking on water.

In the distance, you see the flash of a lighthouse, a safe harbour that beckons you home.

The radio call signals you to stop and wait for the pilot to show you how to safely get into the harbour. Unfortunately, many accidents happen here at the approach to the port.

A small vessel grows in your binoculars, and the feeling of “I’m almost there” reassures you that you are not alone.

Pete, the pilot, shows you where to go and how fast.

The docking is smooth.

At last, you can feel the anchor ropes holding you fast to the Pier.

This harbour is exceptional. Here are people who take care of you, and the harbourmaster is especially good at upgrading ships.

The dry dock is next.

You get a thorough cleaning and a new coat of paint. Of course, the cleaning hurts now and then, but you endure.

It is like getting a total body waxing.

Then the ship fitters arrive with a brand new 360-degree divine model radar system, extra long-range radio and a new kitchen so that you can better look after the crew. Finally, the bridge gets an upgrade on all the systems. Even new windows so that you can see much better.

The training in using the new systems is fun. It’s almost like having a new brain installed.

The time in the harbour gives you time to recover your strength and take a few excursions to other parts beyond the port.

You learn a lot, and something in your changes as you see life from a new perspective.

It’s comfortable here, but you know, the time is coming when you will have to commit to the high seas again. After all, that is where a ship is meant to go.

And the harbour master is known to kick ships out for getting too comfortable.

Then the day comes.

Pete, the pilot, is ready as always to guide you out of the harbour.

As you slowly navigate the port exit, you feel a sense of excitement and your desire for adventure returns.

Yes, there will be storms, but you are ready to go deep into life again.

Strap up, Buttercup.

Bon Voyage

Watch for the lighthouses and use your new technology.

The adventure begins here.